qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Focus Definition
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 ■ The focus is the capacity to receive user input through the mouse or the
   keyboard. An object that has this capacity "has the focus." For example,
   when a user types a string, it appears in a text box only if the text box
   has the focus.
 ■ The focus can be moved from one object to another by tabbing to or by
   clicking an object. To prevent an object from receiving the focus, set its
   TabStop property to False (0). See: TabStop Property
 ■ Disabled and invisible objects cannot receive the focus.
   See: Enabled Property  Visible Property
 ■ Frames and labels cannot receive the focus. When tabbing to a frame or
   label, the next control in the tab order gets the focus.
 See: ActiveControl Property  ActiveForm Property
      GotFocus Event          LostFocus Event
      SETFOCUS Method         TabIndex Property
      Tab Order Definition