qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
LIB Command-Line Options
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 LIB.EXE creates, organizes, and maintains run-time libraries.
    LIB oldlibrary [options] [commands] [,[listfile] [,[newlibrary]]] [;]
    ■ oldlibrary     Name of existing library
    ■ options        Command-line switches available with LIB.EXE:
      Option         Description
      ══════════     ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════
      /?             Displays command-line options for LIB.EXE
      /I             (Default) Directs LIB to ignore case when comparing
                     symbols; use to combine library marked /NOI with an
                     unmarked library to create new, unmarked library
      /NOE           Prevents LIB from creating extended dictionary
      /NOI           Directs LIB to use case when comparing symbols
      /NOLOGO        Causes LIB to suppress sign-on banner
      /PA:number     Specifies library-page size of new library, or changes
                     library-page size of existing library; default page size
                     for new library is 16 bytes
    ■ commands       Command symbols used for manipulating modules:
                     +   Add        *   Copy       -  Delete
                     -*  Move       -+  Replace
    ■ listfile       Name of cross-reference-listing file to generate
    ■ newlibrary     Name of modified library created by LIB
    ■ ;              Uses default values for remaining fields; if omitted,
                     LIB prompts for remaining parameters
 See Also
    Command-Line Options