qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Menu Definitions
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 ■ A menu is a list of commands, available at the top of a form or window,
   that is displayed when the user clicks the menu name. You use the Menu
   Design window to create menu controls; all other types of controls are
   created using either the Toolbox or the Tools menu in the Form Designer.
 ■ The term "menu" is often used with parts of the Visual Basic interface:
   Item                      Description
   ══════════════════        ═══════════════════════════════════════════════
   Menu bar                  A bar that displays the menu titles available
                             for use in the active window. The top line of
                             the screen is always reserved for the menu bar.
   Menu title                The name of a menu that appears on a menu bar.
                             Clicking a menu title opens a menu and displays
                             its commands. Access-key combinations like Alt+F
                             can be defined at design time to open a menu
                             using the keyboard. See: Access Keys
   Menu item                 A command name that appears on a menu when the
                             menu is open.
   Separator bar             A bar that divides commands into logical groups
                             on a long menu. See: Separator Property
   Menu control              An individual menu item, such as a menu title,
                             menu item, or separator bar. See: Menu Control
   Menu Design window        A window in which you can create and define the
                             properties for your application's custom menus.
                             See: Menu Design Window
 See: Creating a Menu  Editing a Menu  Menu Design Window Keys