qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Mathematical Operations
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 Mathematical Operations
 ■ The following keywords are used in Visual Basic to perform mathematical
   calculations, conversions, and analysis:
   ABS           Returns absolute value of numeric expression
   ATN           Returns arctangent of a numeric expression
   CCUR          Converts numeric expression to currency
   CDBL          Converts numeric expression to double-precision
   CINT          Converts numeric expression to integer
   CLNG          Converts numeric expression to long
   COS           Returns cosine of angle
   CSNG          Converts numeric expression to single-precision
   EXP           Returns e raised to specified power
   FIX           Truncates floating-point expression
   INT           Returns largest integer <= numeric expression
   LOG           Returns natural logarithm of number
   MKDMBF        Converts numbers to Microsoft-Binary-Format strings
   MKSMBF        Converts numbers to Microsoft-Binary-Format strings
   RANDOMIZE     Initializes the random-number generator
   RND           Returns single-precision random number
   SGN           Returns value inicating sign of numeric expression
   SIN           Returns sine of angle
   SQR           Returns square root of numeric expression
   TAN           Returns tangent of angle
 See: Financial Function Summary  Keywords by Task