qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Speed and Capacity
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 Speed and Capacity
 ■ Use the /S:n VBDOS command-line option to specify the size of the
   programming environment in memory. To make the maximum amount of
   conventional memory available for module-level code and data, set
   /S to 1:
   VBDOS /S:1
   The preceding command line minimizes the amount of conventional memory
   used by the programming environment. About 275K of the programming
   environment remains in conventional memory if you set /S: to 1. The
   rest of the programming environment is swapped from extended memory,
   expanded memory, or disk, as needed.
 ■ Setting /S: to a number less than 350 reduces the speed of some aspects
   of the programming environment, since the code for some features may
   have to be swapped into conventional memory. For best performance,
   set /S: to the highest number that will still allow you to load and
   add code to your application. For example:
   There is no advantage in having lots of available conventional memory
   if you are writing a relatively small application.
 ■ For better performance, set /S: to a number higher than 350. Settings
   up to 640 increase performance while reducing capacity.
 ■ Use /E:n,m and /X:n VBDOS command-line options to determine how much
   expanded memory (EMS) or extended memory (XMS) is used by the programming
   environment. For example:
   VBDOS /S:300 /X:0 /E:100,200 MYPROJ.MAK
   The preceding command line uses /S: to set the size of the programming
   environment, reserves 100K of EMS for application code, 200K of EMS for
   the programming environment, and 0K of XMS for the programming
 ■ If you do not use /X: or /E:, VBDOS uses as much XMS and EMS memory (in
   that order) as is needed for the programming environment based on the
   setting of /S:. By default, VBDOS uses about 170K of XMS or EMS. If no XMS
   or EMS is available, the programming environment is swapped from disk.
 ■ To force the programming environment to swap to disk, rather than EMS or
   XMS, set /E: and /X: to zero. For example:
   VBDOS /S:300 /X:0 /E:100,0 MYPROJ.MAK
   Note that the first argument to /E: is for application code. VBDOS stores
   procedures in EMS if it is available.
 See: VBDOS Command-Line Options