qpgraph.hlp (Topic list)
_FloodFill... Procedures
  Summary Details Example                                   Back
    x, y        Viewport coordinates of type Integer specifying where
                to begin fill
    wx, wy      Window coordinates of type Double specifying where
                to begin fill
    boundary    Color index specifying where fill stops
    The _FloodFill routines fill an area of the display using the
    current color and fill mask.
    _FloodFill and _FloodFill_w begin filling at coordinates
    (x,y) and (wx,wy), respectively.
    If (x,y) or (wx,wy) is inside the figure, the interior is filled;
    if it is outside the figure, the background is filled. Filling
    occurs only if the point is inside or outside the figure, and will
    not occur if the point is on the figure boundary itself.
    Filling occurs in all directions, stopping at the color boundary.
  _GrStatus Returns
    _GrClipped, _GrInsufficientMemory, _GrInvalidParameter, _GrNoOutput,