subcalls.hlp (Topic list)
KbdSetCustXt (1.2)
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#define INCL_KBD
USHORT KbdSetCustXt(pusTransTbl, hkbd)
PUSHORT pusTransTbl;    /* pointer to translation table */
HKBD hkbd;              /* keyboard handle              */
The KbdSetCustXt function installs a custom translation table for the
specified logical keyboard. MS OS/2 uses the translation table to generate
character values for all subsequent keystrokes from the logical keyboard.
The KbdSetCustXt function does not copy the translation table, so the
process must maintain the table in memory while it is in use, where it
remains until the process calls the KbdSetCp or KbdSetCustXt function to set
another translation table, or calls the KbdClose function to close the
logical keyboard.
Parameter    Description
pusTransTbl  Points to the translation table.
hkbd         Identifies the logical keyboard that uses the new code page.
             The handle must have been created previously by using the
             KbdOpen function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
See Also
KbdClose, KbdOpen, KbdSetCp, KbdXlate