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MouGetNumButtons (1.2)
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#define INCL_MOU
USHORT MouGetNumButtons(pusButtons, hmou)
PUSHORT pusButtons;    /* address of variable for number of mouse buttons */
HMOU hmou;             /* mouse handle                                    */
The MouGetNumButtons function retrieves the number of buttons on the current
Parameter   Description
pusButtons  Points to the variable that receives the number of buttons on
            the mouse.
hmou        Identifies the mouse. The handle must have been created
            previously by using the MouOpen function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be the following:
This example creates a mouse handle then calls the MouGetNumButtons function
to retrieve the number of mouse buttons:
HMOU hmou;
USHORT usButtons;
MouOpen(0L, &hmou);
MouGetNumButtons(&usButtons, hmou);
if(usButtons == 2)
    VioWrtTTY("Your mouse has two buttons\n\r", 28, 0);
See Also