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MouRemovePtr (1.2)
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#define INCL_MOU
USHORT MouRemovePtr(pmourtRect, hmou)
PNOPTRRECT pmourtRect;   /* address of structure with exclusion rectangle */
HMOU hmou;               /* mouse handle                                  */
The MouRemovePtr function removes the mouse pointer from a portion of the
screen or from the entire screen. This part of the screen is called an
exclusion rectangle, because when the mouse pointer moves into it, the
pointer disappears──it is still present and can be moved, but it will not
appear until it is moved out of the exclusion rectangle. If the pointer is
outside the exclusion rectangle and is not currently displayed, MS OS/2
draws the mouse pointer.
The MouRemovePtr function may be called by any process in the screen group.
Only one exclusion rectangle is active at a time, so each call to the
function replaces the previous rectangle. The MouDrawPtr function removes
the exclusion rectangle completely.
Parameter   Description
pmourtRect  Points to the NOPTRRECT structure that contains the coordinates
            of the exclusion rectangle.
hmou        Identifies the mouse. The handle must have been created
            previously by using the MouOpen function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
You should exclude the mouse pointer from any portion of the screen that is
likely to change, such as a text-entry field. When you position the mouse
pointer, MS OS/2 saves the character beneath it; when you move the mouse
again, MS OS/2 restores the character. If the character changed between the
time you positioned the mouse and the time you moved it, the new character
is lost when MS OS/2 restores the old character.
This example creates a mouse handle and enables the mouse pointer to be
drawn. It then defines an exclusion rectangle in the center of the screen
and calls the MouRemovePtr function to notify the mouse device driver that
this rectangle is for the exclusive use of the process. When you move the
mouse pointer into this rectangle, the pointer disappears:
NOPTRRECT mourtRect;
HMOU hmou;
MouOpen(0L, &hmou);
mourtRect.row = 6;
mourtRect.col = 30;     /* upper-left y-coordinate  */
mourtRect.cRow = 18;    /* lower-right x-coordinate */
mourtRect.cCol = 50;    /* lower-right y-coordinate */
MouRemovePtr(&mourtRect, hmou);
See Also
MouDrawPtr, MouOpen, MouSetPtrShape, NOPTRRECT