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VioAssociate (1.2)
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#define INCL_AVIO
USHORT VioAssociate(hdc, hvps)
HDC hdc;      /* device-context handle     */
HVPS hvps;    /* presentation-space handle */
The VioAssociate function associates an advanced video-input-and-output
(AVIO) presentation space with a device context. Subsequent calls to the
VioShowPS and VioShowBuf functions direct output to this device context.
A screen device context is the only kind of device context that may be
associated with an AVIO presentation space. If the AVIO presentation space
is currently associated with another device context, it is disassociated.
Similarly, if another AVIO presentation space is currently associated with
the device context, it too is disassociated.
If you specify a NULL handle for the device context, the presentation space
is disassociated from the currently associated device context.
Parameter  Description
hdc        Identifies the device context to associate with the presentation
           space. If this parameter is NULL, the function disassociates the
           previous device context.
hvps       Identifies the AVIO presentation space. The space must have been
           created previously by using the VioCreatePS function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value.
See Also
VioCreatePS, VioShowBuf, VioShowPS, WinOpenWindowDC