subcalls.hlp (Topic list)
VioQuerySetIds (1.2)
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#define INCL_AVIO
USHORT VioQuerySetIds(palcids, pachNames, palTypes, cSets, hvps)
PLONG palcids;      /* pointer to array for local identifiers for fonts */
PSTR8 pachNames;    /* pointer to array for font names                  */
PLONG palTypes;     /* pointer to array for object types                */
LONG cSets;         /* number of local identifiers in use               */
HVPS hvps;          /* presentation-space handle                        */
The VioQuerySetIds function retrieves information about all available
logical fonts. This function is similar to the GpiQuerySetIds function.
Parameter  Description
palcids    Points to the array that receives the local identifiers for the
pachNames  Points to the array that receives the 8-character names for the
palTypes   Points to the array that receives the object types for the fonts.
           All fonts have the object type LCIDT_FONT.
cSets      Specifies the number of local identifiers currently in use and
           therefore the maximum number of objects for which information can
           be returned. You can determine this value by using the
           GpiQueryNumberSetIds function.
hvps       Identifies the advanced video-input-and-output (AVIO)
           presentation space. This handle must have been created previously
           by using the VioCreatePS function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value.
See Also
GpiQueryNumberSetIds, GpiQuerySetIds, VioCreatePS