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VioWrtNCell (1.2)
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#define INCL_VIO
USHORT VioWrtNCell(pbCell, cb, usRow, usColumn, hvio)
PBYTE pbCell;       /* pointer to cell to write   */
USHORT cb;          /* number of times to write   */
USHORT usRow;       /* starting position (row)    */
USHORT usColumn;    /* starting position (column) */
HVIO hvio;          /* video handle               */
The VioWrtNCell function writes a cell to the screen a specified number of
times. A cell (also called a character/attribute combination) consists of an
unsigned byte value that specifies the character and one or more unsigned
byte values that specify the attribute to be written.
If the number of times that a cell is repeated is greater than the screen
width, the VioWrtNCell function continues writing the cell at the beginning
of the next line but does not write past the end of the screen.
The VioWrtNCell function is a family API function.
Parameter  Description
pbCell     Points to the cell to write.
cb         Specifies the number of times to write the cell.
usRow      Specifies the row at which to start writing the cell.
usColumn   Specifies the column at which to start writing the cell.
hvio       Identifies an advanced video-input-and-output (AVIO) presentation
           space. For AVIO programs, this handle must have been created
           previously using the VioCreatePS function. For other programs,
           hvio must be NULL.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
This example calls the VioWrtNCell function to fill the screen with green
capital letter A's (on an EGA color monitor).
BYTE abCell[2];        /* character/attribute pair */
abCell[0] = 'A';       /* character (letter A)     */
abCell[1] = 0x02;      /* attribute (green)        */
VioWrtNCell(abCell,    /* address of attribute     */
    80 * 25,           /* number of cells to write */
    0,                 /* row                      */
    0,                 /* column                   */
    0);                /* video handle             */
See Also
VioCreatePS, VioWrtNChar