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Article Q43534, Example
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 How to Use CALL INTERRUPT with Visual Basic for MS-DOS
 The following program gives an example of the CALL INTERRUPT statement
 and provides two utility SUB programs for processing output:
 To try this example in VBDOS.EXE:
   1. From the File menu, choose New Project.
   2. Copy the code example to the Code window.
   3. Press F5 to run the program.
 '__________________________ INTSKEL.BAS _________________________
 '     Skeleton program for calling MS-DOS or ROM BIOS interrupts
 '     from Visual Basic for MS-DOS.
 '     NOTE: The VBDOS environment must be started with the
 '           /L option to load the default QB.QLB Quick library.
 '           The VBDOS.QLB Quick library provides support for
 '           the CALL INTERRUPT and CALL INTERRUPTX statements.
 '     There are also two SUBPROGRAMS, BreakWord() and IntToBin(), that
 '     you may find useful when CALLing INTERRUPTs.
 CONST FALSE = NOT TRUE      ' FALSE is assigned to 0 here.
 '$INCLUDE: 'VBDOS.BI'       ' Take a look at what is in this file.
 DIM inregs AS RegType, outregs AS RegType
 ' Load Registers with the required input parameters for the call that
 ' you want to make. (See any reference for MS-DOS and/or ROM BIOS
 ' calls.)
 ' Example: for Interrupt 10h, with function 0Ah (ROM BIOS Write
 '          Char)
 '          AH = 0Ah. Note: The function number usually goes in AH.
 '          AL = Character Code (ASCII).
 '          BH = Video Page Number = 0 normally.
 '          BL = Color in graphics mode.
 '          CX = Number of these characters to write to screen.
 character% = &HFB    ' ASCII character 251 decimal, square root symbol.
 functnum%  = &HA00   ' Remember you want function in the HIGH Byte of
                      ' AX.
   ' VERY IMPORTANT! Don't put the function number into the wrong byte
   ' of AX, or the program may hang or give unpredictable results!
 inregs.ax = character% OR &HA00
 inregs.cx = 2000      ' Fill the screen.
 CALL interrupt(&H10, inregs, outregs)
 '     BreakWord() takes an integer argument and returns two integers
 '     representing the high and low bytes of the original.
 SUB BreakWord (dataword, highbyte, lowbyte)
    IF dataword < 0 THEN
      highbyte = (dataword + 2 ^ 16) \256   ' Check for high BIT set.
      highbyte = dataword \256   ' Integer division to remove low byte.
    END IF
    lowbyte = dataword AND 255    ' AND operator to remove the top byte.
 '    The IntToBin() SUBprogram below takes an INTEGER argument
 '    and produces a binary string representation of the INTEGER.
 SUB IntToBin (byte%, bin$)
 bin$ = ""
 temp% = byte%
 FOR i = 0 TO 7     ' Loop through bits 0 through 7 (8 total).
    IF temp% AND 1 THEN
       bin$ = "1" + bin$
       bin$ = "0" + bin$
    END IF
    temp% = temp% \2  ' Division by 2 shifts right 1 binary digit.