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Article Q66359, Example 1
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 PICEM Views .PCX, .PIC, .GIF Files, and Saves in BSAVE Format, Example 1
 Method 1
 Listed below is a simple example of using PICEM version 2.1:
 1. Create a .PCX, .PIC, .GIF, or .IMG image file.
    For example, make an image in Microsoft Windows PaintBrush version
    3.0, which comes with Microsoft Windows version 3.0. Save the image
    in .PCX format (by choosing Save As from the File Menu, then
    clicking the Options button, then clicking PCX). Name the file
 2. Run the following command (see PICEM.DOC for other options):
    /V:L corresponds to the VGA/MCGA screen mode for 320 by 200 pixels,
    and 256 colors visible at once, which is the same as SCREEN 13 in
 3. Press W while viewing the picture on the screen. This brings up a
    menu with the option of saving to any the following five formats:
       .BAS  Basic BSAVE SCREEN
       .PIC  Pictor/GRASP, PC Paint
       .PCX  PC/Publishers Paintbrush
       .GIF  Graphics Interchange Format
       .IMG  Ventura/GEM Paint
 4. Use an arrow key to select the Basic BSAVE format, press the ENTER
    key, and then PICEM will save the graphics file with a name
    extension of .BAS (in this example, IMAGE.BAS).
 5. You can then use this graphics file (IMAGE.BAS) in a Basic program
    such as the following:
    ' To try this example in VBDOS.EXE:
    ' 1. From the File menu, choose New Project.
    ' 2. Copy the code example to the Code window.
    ' 3. Press F5 to run the program.
       SCREEN 13
       DEF SEG = &HA000