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Knowledge Base Feedback Form
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 Evaluation/Feedback Form On Visual Basic Knowledge Base for MS-DOS
 It is our intention to try to provide you with useful and accurate
 supplemental information for the Professional and Standard Editions
 of Microsoft Visual Basic for MS-DOS.  We would like to hear from you
 about how we can improve the content of our Knowledge Base.
 We realize that we may not have been able to encompass everyone's needs
 with our first collection of Knowledge Base articles, and we would
 like to hear from you about how we can improve them to meet your needs.
 In order to comment on the Knowledge Base, please fill out the
 feedback form included below and mail it to the following address:
      Visual Basic Knowledge Base Articles
      c/o Microsoft Corporation
      One Microsoft Way
      Redmond, WA 98052
 Or fax the form to the following number:
      Visual Basic for MS-DOS Knowledge Base Articles
      1 (206) 93 MS FAX    (936-7329)
 Or, you can email the text of this form to 'y-vbdsfd@microsoft.com'.
 From CompuServe the email address is '>internet:y-vbdsfd@microsoft.com.'
 To extract the text for email, choose Copy from the Edit menu, then
 click the Copy button.  You can then paste the text into your mail
 message.  Thank you in advance for your response.
 Visual Basic for MS-DOS Knowledge Base Feedback Form
 Name:                                         Date:
 Company Name:
 City:                State:      Zip:        Phone:
 Were you able to find the information necessary to answer your question?
 Explain/Suggest Changes:
 Prior to using this Help file, have you ever used the Microsoft Knowledge
 Base in any form (OnLine, CompuServe..)?  If so, please indicate medium and
 comment on usefulness.
 General Comments: