Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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BeginProc ProcName, Attributes
The BeginProc macros marks the start of a procedure having the specified
Parameter   Description
ProcName    Specifies the name of the procedure to create.
Attributes  Specifies one or more procedure attributes. This parameter can
            be a combination of the following attributes:
            Attribute      Description
            ASYNC_SERVICE  Creates an asynchronous service that can be
                           called by other virtual devices. The procedure
                           must be reentrant, must not call synchronous
                           services, and must be defined in a locked
                           segment. Asynchronous services are intended to be
                           called by interrupt handling routines when
                           processing interrupts.
            HIGH_FREQ      Specifies a frequently called procedure. The
                           macro aligns the start of the procedure on a
                           doubleword boundary to optimize calls to the
            NO_LOG         Prevents a call to the Log_Call_Proc service from
                           being inserted at the beginning of the procedure.
                           The macro inserts the Log_Call_Proc service only
                           if the DEBUG symbol is defined.
            PUBLIC         Creates a global procedure that other procedures
                           in the virtual device can call.
            SERVICE        Creates a service that other virtual devices can
                           call. If the DEBUG symbol is defined, the macro
                           inserts a call to the Test_Reenter service at the
                           beginning of the procedure.
            If more than one attribute is given, they must be separated by
Return Value
This macro has no return value.
See Also