Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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Control_Dispatch Message, Procedure
The Control_Dispatch macro dispatches the given control message to the
specified procedure.
Parameter  Description
Message    Specifies a control message. It can be one of the following:
           Message                 Description
           Begin_PM_App            A protected-mode application is starting
           Close_VM_Notify         A virtual machine is closing
           Create_VM               A virtual machine is being created
           Critical_Reboot_Notify  System is rebooting (interrupt disabled)
           Debug_Query             Requests for virtual device's debugging
           Destroy_VM              A virtual machine is being destroyed
           Device_Init             Virtual devices initializing (interrupts
           Device_Reboot_Notify    System is rebooting (interrupts enabled)
           End_PM_App              A protected-mode application is ending
           Init_Complete           All virtual devices have initialized
           Power_Event             Power is being suspended or resumed
           Reboot_Processor        Virtual device must reboot system if it
           Set_Device_Focus        A virtual device is taking the focus
           Sys_Critical_Exit       System is terminating (interrupt
           Sys_Critical_Init       Virtual devices initializing (interrupts
           Sys_VM_Init             System VM is being created
           Sys_VM_Terminate        System VM is being destroyed
           System_Exit             System is terminating (interrupts
           VM_Critical_Init        Virtual machine being created (interrupts
           VM_Init                 Virtual machine being created (interrupts
           VM_Not_Executeable      Virtual machine being destroyed
           VM_Resume               Virtual machine execution resumed
           VM_Suspend              Virtual machine execution suspended
           VM_Terminate            Virtual machine begin destroyed
Procedure  Specifies the name of the procedure to dispatch the message to.
Return Value
This macro has no return value.
This macro is typically used in conjunction with the Begin_Control_Dispatch
and End_Dispatch_Table macro to build a
The Control_Dispatch macro can be used without the Begin_Control_Dispatch
macro, but becomes the programmer's responsibility to declare a procedure in
locked code (VxD_LOCKED_CODE_SEG) and clear the carry flag for any messages
not processed.
See Also
Begin_Control_Dispatch, End_Control_Dispatch