Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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mov     edx, OFFSET32 String        ; points to Boolean string
VMMcall Convert_Boolean_String
jc      not_valid                   ; carry set if string not valid Boolean
mov     [Result], eax               ; 0 if string is false, -1 if true
The Convert_Boolean_String service converts a string representing a Boolean
value and returns either -1 or 0 to indicate that the string is true or
This service is available during initialization only.
Parameter  Description
String     Points to the null-terminated string representing a Boolean
           value. The service recognizes at least the following Boolean
           string values:
           String  Meaning
           0       False
           1       True
           False   False
           No      False
           Off     False
           On      True
           True    True
           Yes     True
Return Value
The carry flag is clear if the string represents a valid Boolean value. In
this case, the EAX register contains either 0 if the string evaluates to
false, or -1 if the string evaluates to true. The carry flag is set if the
specified string is not valid.
Flags, EAX
See Also
Convert_Decimal_String, Convert_Fixed_Point_String, Convert_Hex_String