Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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mov     edx, Port           ; I/O port number
VMMcall Disable_Global_Trapping
The Disable_Global_Trapping service disables I/O port trapping for the
specified I/O port. This applies to every virtual machine.
This service must not be used unless an I/O callback procedure has been
installed for the given port using the Install_IO_Handler or
Install_Mult_IO_Handlers service during initialization.
Parameter  Description
Port       Specifies the number of the I/O port for which global trapping is
           to be disabled.
Return Value
This service has no return value.
The system applies to current global trapping state to each new virtual
machine as it is created. When the system first starts, global trapping is
enabled by default.
See Also
Enable_Global_Trapping, Install_IO_Handler, Install_Mult_IO_Handlers