Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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VMMcall Get_NMI_Handler_Addr
mov     [NMI], esi          ; offset to current NMI handler
The Get_NMI_Handler_Addr service returns the address of the current
Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) handler.
This service has no parameters.
Return Value
The ESI register contains the offset of current NMI handler.
If a virtual device needs to hook the Non-Maskable Interrupt it must first
call this service to get and save the original NMI handler address. The
virtual can then install the new NMI handler my using the
Set_NMI_Handler_Addr service. The new handler should create an NMI handler
chain by passing execution to the original NMI handler whenever it does not
process the NMI.
ESI, Flags
See Also