Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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mov     edx, OFFSET32 Default ; points to default string (optional)
mov     esi, OFFSET32 Profile ; points to section name
mov     edi, OFFSET32 Keyname ; points to entry name
VMMcall Get_Profile_String
jc      not_found               ; carry set if entry not found
mov     [Value], edx            ; points to entry value string
The Get_Profile_String service searches the SYSTEM.INI file for a specified
entry and returns a pointer to a null-terminated string representing the
entry value.
This service is only available during initialization.
Parameter  Description
Default    Points to a null-terminated string to be returned if the entry is
           not found or has no current value.
Profile    Specifies a null-terminated string identifying the section in the
           SYSTEM.INI file to search. If Profile is zero, the service
           searches the [386Enh] section.
Keyname    Points to a null-terminated string identifying the name of the
           entry to search for.
Return Value
If the carry flag is clear, the EDX register contains the address of the
null-terminated string representing the entry value. If the carry flag is
set, the string cannot be found.
A virtual device must not modify the string pointed to by the EDX register.
If modification is required, the virtual device must copy the string and
modify the copy.
EDX, Flags
See Also