Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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VMMcall Get_VMM_Version
mov     [Major], ah         ; major version number
mov     [Minor], al         ; minor version number
mov     [Debug], ecx        ; debug development revision number
The Get_VMM_Version service returns the version number for the Windows
virtual machine manager (VMM).
This service has no parameters.
Return Value
The carry flag is clear and the AX and ECX registers contain the following
version number information:
Register  Description
AH        Specifies the major version number. For Windows 3.1, this number
          is 3.
AL        Specifies the minor version number. For Windows 3.1, this number
          is 10.
ECX       Specifies the debug development revision number.
EAX, Flags