Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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VxDcall Int33_API
The Int33_API service is called by VMDOSAPP to inform the special mouse
driver the new state of mouse buttons and position for the application being
shown in a window. If the special mouse driver is not installed, then this
call returns with carry flag set. If the API is not provided, then also it
returns with carry flag set.
Parameter  Description
EAX        Specifies the Client_AX register. The high word is always zero.
           Value  Meaning
           1      Mouse API
                  Register    Description
                  Client_EBX  Specifies Handle of virtual machine on whose
                              behalf the call is made
                  Client_EDI  Specifies (X,Y) position of mouse in pixels
                  Client_ECX  Specifies (event flags,state) where state is
                              the button state of the mouse and event flags
                              convey the change in button state from
                              previous call.
           2      Special mouse API presence test.
EBX        Specifies the handle of virtual machine making call
Return Value
The carry flag is clear if the API is supported. Otherwise, carry flag is
set to indicate the mouse driver is not special.