Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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mov     esi, List       ; list handle
mov     eax, Node       ; address of node to remove
VMMcall List_Remove_First
jc      not_removed     ; carry flag set if error
The List_Remove service removes the specified node from the list.
Parameter  Description
List       Specifies the handle identifying a list. The handle must have
           been previously created using the List_Create service.
Node       Specifies the address of the node to remove. The node must have
           been previously retrieved using the List_Get_First or
           List_Get_Next service.
Return Value
The carry flag is clear if the service is successful. Otherwise, the carry
flag is set to indicate an error.
This service does not deallocate the node. It is up to the virtual device to
deallocate the node or attach it to another list.
EAX, Flags
See Also
List_Create, List_Remove_First