Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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mov     ebx, 0
mov     esi, Event              ; event notification message
mov     edi, OFFSET32 Return    ; points 4-byte return value
mov     eax, Power_Event
VMMcall System_Control
The Power_Event message notifies the virtual device that a power event has
just occurred.
Parameter  Description
Event      Specifies the type of power event. This parameter can be one of
           the following values:
           Value               Meaning
           PWR_SUSPENDREQUEST  Suspend operation.
           PWR_SUSPENDRESUME   Resume operation after suspension.
           PWR_CRITICALRESUME  Resume critical operations after suspension.
Return     Points to the doubleword to receive the return value. The return
           value can be one of the following values:
           Value     Meaning
           PWR_OK    Virtual device processed the event successfully.
           PWR_FAIL  Virtual device failed to process the event.
           All other values are reserved.
Return Value
The carry flag is clear and the doubleword pointed to by Return contains the
return value.
The EBX register must be zero on entry. The EDX register is reserved; its
value must be preserved.