Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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VxDcall VDMAD_Get_EISA_Adr_Mode
The VDMAD_Get_EISA_Adr_Mode service returns the EISA extended mode.
Parameter  Description
EAX        Specifies the channel number. It must be in the range 0 to 7.
EBX        Specifies the DMA handle.
Return Value
The CL register contains one of the following values:
Value  Meaning
0      8-bit I/O, with count in bytes
1      16-bit I/O, with count in words and adr shifted
2      32-bit I/O, with count in bytes
3      16-bit I/O, with count in bytes
The hardware does not allow for reading the extended mode for a channel, so
VDMAD defaults to the ISA defaults (channels 0-3 are byte channels and 5-7
are word channels with word addresses and counts). An SYSTEM.INI setting can
specify an alternate setting.
ECX, Flags