Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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mov     eax, IRQNum     ; IRQ number
mov     ebx, VM         ; owner VM handle or 0 for global ownership
VxDcall VPICD_Force_Default_Owner
jc      error           ; carry set if can't set owner
The VPICD_Force_Default_Owner service forces VPICD's default interrupt
handler to direct a specified IRQ to a particular virtual machine, or to
make the IRQ global so that any virtual machine can receive the interrupt.
Parameter  Description
IRQNum     Specifies the number of the IRQ for which ownership is set.
VM         Specifies the handle identifying the virtual machine to receive
           ownership. If this parameter is 0, the IRQ is given global
           ownership and any virtual machine can receive the interrupt.
Return Value
The carry flag is clear if the service set the owner to the specified
virtual machine. If the service could not set the owner, such as if the IRQ
has been virtualized or the IRQ number is not valid, the carry flag is set.
See Also