Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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VMMcall _GetVMPgCount, <VM, flags>
The _GetVMPgCount service returns the current count of pages allocated to a
particular virtual machine.
Parameter  Description
VM         Specifies a handle identifying the virtual machine to examine.
flags      Specifies the operation flags. This parameter must be set to 0.
Return Value
The EAX register contains the total number of pages allocated for the
specified virtual machine, and the EDX register contains the count of pages
which are allocated to this virtual machine but which are not mapped into
the virtual machine's 1 megabyte address space.
Both EAX and EDX contain zero to indicate an error, such as an invalid
virtual machine handle.
Virtual devices must not rely on the sum of the return values being the size
(in pages) of the virtual machine.
See Also
_GetFreePageCount, _GetSysPageCount