Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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VMMcall _PageGetSizeAddr, <hMem, flags>
mov     ecx, eax            ; zero in eax and edx if error
or      ecx, edx
jz      error
mov     [Pages], eax        ; number of pages in memory block
mov     [Address], edx      ; ring-0 linear address of memory block
The _PageGetSizeAddr service returns the size and linear address of an
existing block of memory.
Parameter  Description
hMem       Specifies a handle identifying the memory block for which to
           return information. This handle must have been previously created
           using the _PageAllocate or _PageReAllocate service.
flags      Specifies the operation flags. This parameter must be set to
Return Value
The EAX register contains the number of pages in the memory block, and EDX
register contains the ring-0 linear address of the memory block. The EAX and
EDX registers both contain zero to indicate an error, such as an invalid
memory handle.
The returned number of pages specifies the total size of the block, not just
the number of pages currently present.
See Also
_PageAllocate, _PageReAllocate