Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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VMMcall _SetLastV86Page, <PgNum, flags>
or      eax, eax            ; nonzero if set, zero if error
jz      not_set
The _SetLastV86Page service sets the page number of the last page in V86
memory for the current virtual machine.
This service is intended for exclusive use by the virtual V86 memory manager
device, and is only available for Windows version 3.1 or later.
Parameter  Description
PgNum      Specifies the linear page number to set the last V86 page.
flags      Specifies the operation flags. This parameter must be set to 0.
Return Value
The EAX register contains a nonzero value if the new last page is set.
Otherwise, EAX contains zero to indicate an error, such as an invalid page
This service is intended to help the V86MMGR support backfill machines.
These machines have unused, unoccupied memory from the end of MS-DOS memory
(typically at 512k) up to 640k (page 0A0h). On such machines, it is
desirable to fill out (backfill) this unoccupied space so that virtual
machines provide memory up to 640k.
See Also