win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
PM message functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overview                         Up Next Previous
WinBroadcastMsg      Broadcasts a message to multiple windows
WinCallMsgFilter     Calls a message-filter hook
WinCreateMsgQueue    Creates a message queue
WinDdePostMsg        Posts a message to a message queue
WinDestroyMsgQueue   Destroys a message queue
WinDispatchMsg       Dispatches a message
WinGetMsg            Retrieves a message from a message queue
WinInSendMsg         Determines whether thread is processing a message
WinPeekMsg           Inspects the thread's message queue
WinPostMsg           Posts message to specified window's message queue
WinPostQueueMsg      Posts message to any message queue in the system
WinQueryMsgPos       Retrieves the position of a message
WinQueryMsgTime      Retrieves the time when a message was posted
WinQueryQueueStatus  Retrieves the status of a message queue
WinSendDlgItemMsg    Sends a message to a dialog item
WinSendMsg           Sends a message to a window
WinWaitMsg           Waits for a filtered message