win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinCreateAtomTable (1.2)
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HATOMTBL WinCreateAtomTable(cbInitial, cBuckets)
USHORT cbInitial;    /* number of bytes for atom table */
USHORT cBuckets;     /* size of hash table            */
The WinCreateAtomTable function creates an empty atom table. This function
must be called before any other atom-manager function.
Parameter  Description
cbInitial  Specifies the number of initial bytes reserved for the atom
           table. This is a lower bound on the amount of memory reserved.
           The amount of memory actually used by an atom table depends on
           the actual number of atoms stored in the table. If this parameter
           is zero, the size of the atom table is the minimum size needed to
           store the atom hash table.
cBuckets   Specifies the size of the hash table used to access atoms. If
           this parameter is zero, the default value 37 is used. For best
           results, this parameter should be a prime number.
Return Value
The return value is a handle to an atom table, or NULL if an error occurs.
See Also
WinAddAtom, WinDeleteAtom, WinDestroyAtomTable, WinQuerySystemAtomTable