win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinCreateWindow (1.2)
Function Group  Overview  Changes               Up Next Previous
HWND WinCreateWindow(hwndParent, pszClass, pszName, flStyle, x, y, cx,
    cy, hwndOwner, hwndInsertBehind, id, pCtlData, pPresParams)
HWND hwndParent;          /* parent-window handle                    */
PSZ pszClass;             /* pointer to registered class name        */
PSZ pszName;              /* pointer to window text                  */
ULONG flStyle;            /* window style                            */
SHORT x;                  /* horizontal position of window           */
SHORT y;                  /* vertical position of window             */
SHORT cx;                 /* window width                            */
SHORT cy;                 /* window height                           */
HWND hwndOwner;           /* owner-window handle                     */
HWND hwndInsertBehind;    /* handle to sibling window                */
USHORT id;                /* window identifier                       */
PVOID pCtlData;           /* pointer to buffer                       */
PVOID pPresParams;        /* pointer to structure with pres. params. */
The WinCreateWindow function creates a new window.
Parameter         Description
hwndParent        Specifies the parent window of the new window. Any valid
                  window handle can be used.
pszClass          Points to the registered class name. This parameter can be
                  an application-specified name (defined by the
                  WinRegisterClass function), the name of a preregistered
                  window class, or a window-class (WC) constant.
pszName           Points to window text or other class-specific data. The
                  actual structure of the data is class-specific. This data
                  is usually a null-terminated string and is often displayed
                  in the window.
flStyle           Specifies the window style. It can be a combination of one
                  or more of the following values:
                  Value            Meaning
                  WS_CLIPCHILDREN  Prevents a window from painting over its
                                   child windows.
                  WS_CLIPSIBLINGS  Prevents a window from painting over its
                                   sibling windows.
                  WS_DISABLED      Disables mouse and keyboard input to the
                                   window. It is used to temporarily prevent
                                   the user from using the window.
                  WS_MAXIMIZED     Enlarges the window to the maximum size.
                  WS_MINIMIZED     Reduces the window to the minimum size.
                  WS_PARENTCLIP    Prevents a window from painting over its
                                   parent window.
                  WS_SAVEBITS      Saves the image under the window as a
                                   bitmap. When the window is moved or
                                   hidden, the system restores the image by
                                   copying the bits.
                  WS_SYNCPAINT     Causes the window to immediately receive
                                   WM_PAINT messages after a part of the
                                   window becomes invalid. Unless this style
                                   is set, the window receives WM_PAINT
                                   messages only when no other message is
                                   waiting to be processed.
                  WS_VISIBLE       Makes the window visible. This window is
                                   drawn on the screen unless overlapping
                                   windows completely obscure it. Windows
                                   without this style are hidden.
x                 Specifies the horizontal position of the window, relative
                  to the origin of the parent window.
y                 Specifies the vertical position of the window, relative to
                  the origin of the parent window.
cx                Specifies the window width, in pels.
cy                Specifies the window height, in pels.
hwndOwner         Identifies the owner window.
hwndInsertBehind  Identifies the sibling window behind which the specified
                  window is placed. If this parameter is HWND_TOP, the
                  specified window is placed on top of all its sibling
                  windows. If this parameter is HWND_BOTTOM, the specified
                  window is placed behind all its sibling windows. If the
                  hwndInsertBehind parameter is neither HWND_TOP nor
                  HWND_BOTTOM, or it is not a child window of the window
                  identified by hwndParent, NULL is returned.
id                Specifies the window identifier (a value given by the
                  application that allows a specific child window to be
                  identified). For example, the controls of a dialog box
                  have unique identifiers so that an owner window can
                  distinguish which control has notified it. Window
                  identifiers are also used for frame windows.
pCtlData          Points to the buffer that contains class-specific
                  information. This data is passed to the window procedure
                  by the WM_CREATE message.
pPresParams       Points to a PRESPARAMS structure that contains
                  presentation parameters for the window. This parameter is
                  NULL if there are no presentation parameters.
Return Value
The return value is the handle of the window if the function is successful
or NULL if an error occurs.
The WinCreateWindow function sends a WM_CREATE message to the window
procedure of the window being created, and then sends the
WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS message before the window is displayed. The values passed
are those given to the WinCreateWindow function.
The WM_SIZE message is not sent by WinCreateWindow while the window is being
created. Any required size processing is performed during the processing of
the WM_CREATE message.
See Also
WinCreateStdWindow, WinQueryObjectWindow, WinRegisterClass,