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WinEnableWindowUpdate (1.2)
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BOOL WinEnableWindowUpdate(hwnd, fEnable)
HWND hwnd;       /* handle of the window to be enabled or disabled */
BOOL fEnable;    /* enabled-state  flag                            */
The WinEnableWindowUpdate function enables or disables the window visibility
state for subsequent drawing to a window. This function can be used to
prevent unnecessary redrawing when making changes to a window. The window
can then be redrawn by calling this function with the fEnable parameter set
to TRUE.
Parameter  Description
hwnd       Identifies the window whose enable state will be changed.
fEnable    Specifies whether drawing to the window is enabled. If TRUE, any
           subsequent drawing into the window will be visible. If FALSE, any
           subsequent drawing into the window will be invisible.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function is successful or FALSE if an error
When the WinEnableWindowUpdate function is called with the fEnable parameter
TRUE, the entire window is invalidated, however WS_SYNCPAINT windows are not
redrawn. If you need to redraw a WS_SYNCPAINT window, you must call the
WinShowWindow function.
See Also