win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinGetMinPosition (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
BOOL WinGetMinPosition(hwnd, pswp, pptl);
HWND hwnd;       /* handle of the window                              */
PSWP pswp;       /* address of structure with icon information        */
PPOINTL pptl;    /* address of structure with minimum window position */
The WinGetMinPosition function fills an SWP structure with the
minimized-window size and position. On return, the SWP_SIZE and SWP_MOVE
flags will have been combined using the OR operator into the fs field of the
SWP structure.
Parameter  Description
hwnd       Identifies the window whose minimum size will be retrieved.
pswp       Points to the SWP structure that will receive the size and
           position of a minimized-window icon.
pptl       Points to the POINTL structure that specifies the position (in
           screen coordinates) to place the minimized window. If NULL, the
           system will determine the position. Otherwise, an icon location
           as near as possible to the specified position is chosen.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function is successful or FALSE if an error
See Also
WinGetMaxPosition, POINTL, SWP