win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinGetPhysKeyState (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
SHORT WinGetPhysKeyState(hwndDesktop, sc)
HWND hwndDesktop;    /* handle of the desktop  */
SHORT sc;            /* scan code of the key   */
The WinGetPhysKeyState function returns the physical-key state of the key
represented by the scan-code parameter. This function is not synchronized to
the processing of input.
Parameter    Description
hwndDesktop  Identifies the desktop window. This parameter can be
             HWND_DESKTOP or the desktop window handle.
sc           Specifies the scan code of the key.
Return Value
The return value is a flag indicating if the key is currently up or down,
and whether the key has gone down since the last time WinGetPhysKeyState was
called. If the high bit is set (0x8000), the key is currently down,
otherwise the key is currently up. If the low bit is set (0x0001), the key
has gone down since the last time WinGetPhysKeyState was called.
See Also