win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinLoadDlg (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
HWND WinLoadDlg(hwndParent, hwndOwner, pfnDlgProc, hmod, idDlg,
HWND hwndParent;        /* handle of the parent window             */
HWND hwndOwner;         /* handle of the owner window              */
PFNWP pfnDlgProc;       /* pointer to the dialog procedure         */
HMODULE hmod;           /* handle of resource with dialog template */
USHORT idDlg;           /* dialog window and template              */
PVOID pCreateParams;    /* address of dialog-procedure data        */
The WinLoadDlg function creates a dialog window from a dialog template and
returns the handle of the dialog window created.
Parameter      Description
hwndParent     Identifies the parent window of the dialog window.
hwndOwner      Identifies the owner window for the dialog window.
pfnDlgProc     Points to the dialog procedure.
hmod           Identifies the module that contains the dialog template. This
               parameter can be either the module handle returned by the
               DosLoadModule function or NULL for the application's module.
idDlg          Identifies the dialog window and the dialog-resource file.
pCreateParams  Points to dialog-procedure data (application-specific data
               passed to the dialog procedure with the WM_INITDLG message).
Return Value
The return value is the handle of the dialog window created, or it is NULL
if an error occurs.
See Also
DosLoadModule, WinCreateDlg, WinDestroyWindow, WinDlgBox, WinProcessDlg,