win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinLoadMenu (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
HWND WinLoadMenu(hwndFrame, hmod, idMenu)
HWND hwndFrame;    /* handle of the frame window            */
HMODULE hmod;      /* handle of the module with resource    */
USHORT idMenu;     /* menu template identifier              */
The WinLoadMenu function creates a menu window from the menu template.
Parameter  Description
hwndFrame  Identifies the frame window for the menu.
hmod       Identifies the module that contains the menu template. This
           parameter can be either the module handle returned by the
           DosLoadModule function or NULL for the application's module.
idMenu     Identifies the menu template in the resource identified by the
           hmod parameter.
Return Value
The return value is the handle of the menu window.
Menus are created as child windows of the frame window and are initially
visible. If the menu contains submenus, these submenus are initially created
as object windows that are owned by the menu window. If the submenus contain
other submenus, these new submenus are also object windows whose owner is
the submenu that contains it. The menu hierarchy is defined by the
owner-window chain.
See Also
DosLoadModule, WinCreateMenu, WinQueryObjectWindow