win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinLoadString (1.2)
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SHORT WinLoadString(hab, hmod, id, cchMax, pszBuffer)
HAB hab;          /* handle of the anchor block           */
HMODULE hmod;     /* handle of the module with the string */
USHORT id;        /* string identifier                    */
SHORT cchMax;     /* size of the buffer                   */
PSZ pszBuffer;    /* address of the buffer for the string */
The WinLoadString function loads a string from a resource, copies the string
to the specified buffer, and appends a terminating null character.
Parameter  Description
hab        Identifies the anchor block.
hmod       Identifies the module that contains the string. This parameter
           can be either the module handle returned by the DosLoadModule
           function or NULL for the application's module.
id         Identifies the string identifier.
cchMax     Specifies the size of the supplied buffer.
pszBuffer  Points to the buffer that receives the string.
Return Value
The return value is the length of the returned string (excluding the
terminating null character). The return value can have a maximum value of
(cchMax -1). The return value is zero if an error occurs.
String resources contain up to 16 strings each. The resource identifier is
calculated from the id value passed to WinLoadString as follows:
     resource identifier = (id / 16) + 1
To save storage on disk and in memory, applications should group their
string resources sequentially, starting at a multiple of 16.
See Also
DosLoadModule, WinLoadMessage