win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinOffsetRect (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
BOOL WinOffsetRect(hab, prcl, cx, cy)
HAB hab;        /* handle of the anchor block              */
PRECTL prcl;    /* address of the structure with rectangle */
SHORT cx;       /* horizontal offset                       */
SHORT cy;       /* vertical offset                         */
The WinOffsetRect function offsets a rectangle by adding a specified value
to both the left and right coordinates and adding a specified value to both
the top and bottom coordinates.
Parameter  Description
hab        Identifies an anchor block.
prcl       Points to the RECTL structure that contains the rectangle to be
cx         Specifies the value of the horizontal offset. This value is added
           to the left and right sides of the rectangle.
cy         Specifies the value of the vertical offset. This value is added
           to the top and bottom sides of the rectangle.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function is successful or FALSE if an error
See Also
WinInflateRect, RECTL