win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinPrevChar (1.2)
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PSZ WinPrevChar(hab, idcp, idcc, pszStart, psz)
HAB hab;         /* handle of the anchor block       */
USHORT idcp;     /* code page                        */
USHORT idcc;     /* country code                     */
PSZ pszStart;    /* address of string with character */
PSZ psz;         /* address of character in string   */
The WinPrevChar function moves to the previous character in a string.
Parameter  Description
hab        Identifies the anchor block.
idcp       Identifies the code page.
idcc       Identifies the country code.
pszStart   Points to the character string that contains the character
           pointed to by the psz parameter.
psz        Points to a character in the string pointed to by the pszStart
Return Value
The return value points to the previous character in a string, or to the
first character if the psz parameter equals the pszStart parameter.
See Also