win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinQueryCpList (1.2)
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USHORT WinQueryCpList(hab, ccpMax, pacp)
HAB hab;          /* handle of the anchor block               */
USHORT ccpMax;    /* maximum number of code pages to retrieve */
PUSHORT pacp;     /* address of array to receive code pages   */
The WinQueryCpList function obtains available code pages.
Parameter  Description
hab        Identifies an anchor block.
ccpMax     Specifies the maximum number of code pages that will be
pacp       Points to an array that will receive the available code pages. It
           will include all code pages available to the Gpi and Vio
           functions, including any EBCDIC ones. This list is a superset of
           those code pages available to the WinSetCp function and the Dos
Return Value
The return value is the total number of code pages in the system.
See Also
WinQueryCp, WinSetCp