win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinQueryHelpInstance (1.2)
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HWND WinQueryHelpInstance(hwndApp)
HWND hwndApp;    /* handle of application window */
The WinQueryHelpInstance function retrieves the handle of the help instance
associated with the given window.
Parameter  Description
hwndApp    Identifies a window for which the associated help instance is
Return Value
The return value is the handle of the associated help instance if the
function is successful; it is FALSE if an error occurs.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
The function traces the chain of parent windows, starting with the given
window, until it finds a frame window with an associated help instance or
finds the desktop. If it finds the desktop, it traces the chain of owner
windows, starting with the given window, until it finds a frame window with
an associated help instance or the desktop.
See Also