win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinQueryPresParam (1.2)
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ULONG WinQueryPresParam(hwnd, id1, id2, pulId, cbBuf, pbBuf, fs)
HWND hwnd;       /* window handle                                */
ULONG id1;       /* first parameter type to retrieve             */
ULONG id2;       /* second parameter type to retrieve            */
PULONG pulId;    /* pointer to variable for parameter ID         */
ULONG cbBuf;     /* buffer length                                */
PVOID pbBuf;     /* pointer to buffer for presentation parameter */
USHORT fs;       /* flags                                        */
The WinQueryPresParam function retrieves the presentation parameters for a
Parameter  Description
hwnd       Identifies the window that contains the presentation parameters
           to retrieve.
id1        Identifies the first type of presentation parameter to retrieve.
           If both the id1 and id2 parameters are found, id1 takes
           precedence and its presentation parameter is returned. This
           parameter is ignored if it is zero.
id2        Identifies the second type of presentation parameter to retrieve.
           If both the id1 and id2 parameters are found, id1 takes
           precedence and its presentation parameter is returned. This
           parameter is ignored if it is zero.
pulId      Points to the variable that receives the presentation parameter
cbBuf      Specifies the length (in bytes) of the buffer pointed to by the
           pbBuf parameter.
pbBuf      Points to the buffer that receives the presentation parameter.
fs         Specifies one or more flags. These can be any combination of the
           following values:
           Value              Meaning
           QPF_NOINHERIT      Specifies that only the window identified by
                              hwnd is to be searched for presentation
                              parameters. If this flag is not specified, the
                              entire owner-chain of the window will be
           QPF_ID1COLORINDEX  Specifies that the id1 parameter is a color
                              index. The RGB color equivalent is returned in
                              the pbBuf parameter.
           QPF_ID2COLORINDEX  Specifies that the id2 parameter is a color
                              index. The RGB color equivalent is returned in
                              the pbBuf parameter.
           QPF_PURERGBCOLOR   Specifies that the returned value should be a
                              pure RGB color.
Return Value
The return value is the size (in bytes) of the presentation parameter if the
function is successful; it is NULL if no parameter was found or an error
For a list of presentation parameters, see the Presentation parameters
See Also