win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinQuerySwitchHandle (1.2)
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HSWITCH WinQuerySwitchHandle(hwnd, pidProcess)
HWND hwnd;         /* window handle        */
PID pidProcess;    /* process identifier   */
The WinQuerySwitchHandle function retrieves the handle of the Task List item
of an application.
Parameter   Description
hwnd        Identifies the frame window of the application. This parameter
            may be zero if the process identifier is specified in the
            pidProcess parameter.
pidProcess  Specifies the process identifier. This parameter may be zero if
            the window handle is specified in the hwnd parameter.
Return Value
The return value is the Task List handle for the specified application if
the function is successful or NULL if an error occurs.
If both a window handle and a process identifier are supplied, they both
must apply to the same application.
This example calls WinQuerySwitchHandle to get the Task List handle of a
frame window, and then calls WinQuerySwitchEntry to retrieve information
about that application.
HSWITCH hswitch;
SWCNTRL swctl;
hswitch = WinQuerySwitchHandle(hwndFrame, 0);
WinQuerySwitchEntry(hswitch, &swctl);
See Also