win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinQueryTaskTitle (1.2)
Overview                                            Up Next Previous
USHORT WinQueryTaskTitle(idProcess, pszTitle, cbTitle)
USHORT idProcess;    /* identifies the process */
PSZ pszTitle;        /* address of the buffer  */
USHORT cbTitle;      /* length of the buffer   */
The WinQueryTaskTitle function obtains the title under which a specified
application was started or added to the switch list. If this function is
used after a switch-list entry is created for the application, the title in
the switch-list entry is obtained.
This function is useful when an application should use the same name in its
window title and its entry in the switch list as the end-user invokes to
start the application. This provides a visual link for the user.
Parameter  Description
idProcess  Identifies the application whose title is requested.
pszTitle   Points to the buffer to receive the title. The received string
           will be null-terminated.
cbTitle    Specifies the length, in bytes, of the pszTitle buffer. If the
           retrieved title is longer then this length, it will be
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value.
The length of the title is guaranteed not to exceed MAXNAMEL bytes, plus one
for the null-terminating character.
See Also