win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinQueryWindowRect (1.2)
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BOOL WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, prcl)
HWND hwnd;      /* handle of the window                       */
PRECTL prcl;    /* address of structure for window coordinates */
The WinQueryWindowRect function retrieves the coordinates of a window.
Parameter  Description
hwnd       Identifies the window whose coordinates are retrieved.
prcl       Points to a RECTL structure that receives the window's
           coordinates. The xLeft and yBottom fields will be zero. The
           xRight and yTop fields will contain the width and height of the
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function is successful or FALSE if an error
This example calls WinQueryWindowRect to get the dimensions of the window,
and then calls WinFillRect to fill the window.
HPS hps;
RECTL rcl;
WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rcl);       /* get window dimensions */
WinFillRect(hps, &rcl, CLR_WHITE);    /* clear entire window   */
See Also
WinQueryWindowPos, RECTL