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WinSetActiveWindow (1.2)
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BOOL WinSetActiveWindow(hwndDesktop, hwnd)
HWND hwndDesktop;    /* handle of the desktop               */
HWND hwnd;           /* handle of the window to make active */
The WinSetActiveWindow function makes the frame window of hwnd the active
window. It does this by finding the first frame window parent of hwnd, using
hwnd if it is a frame window. It then finds the last window associated with
this frame window that had the focus. Then the focus is set to this window
that previously had the focus, using the function WinSetFocus. This sets the
focus to this window and activates all frame windows that are parents of
this window.
The window handle of the window that receives the focus is stored in the
frame window's reserved memory. This memory can be queried by using a
QWL_HWNDFOCUSSAVE index with the WinQueryWindowULong function.
If the active window is changing, the following events occur:
♦  If the action of setting the active window results in a different window
   receiving the focus, the window that currently has the focus will receive
   a WM_SETFOCUS message indicating the loss of focus.
♦  If the action of setting the active window results in a different window
   becoming active, a WM_ACTIVATE message is sent to the current active
   window, indicating a loss of the active status.
♦  The new active window is established.
♦  A WM_ACTIVATE message indicating the acquisition of active status is sent
   to the new window.
Parameter    Description
hwndDesktop  Identifies the desktop window. This parameter can be
             HWND_DESKTOP or the desktop window handle.
hwnd         Identifies either a frame window or the child of a frame
             window. If it is a child, the parent frame window will become
             the active window.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is
FALSE, indicating that an error occurred.
See Also
WinQueryActiveWindow, WinQueryFocus, WinQueryWindowULong, WinSetFocus,