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WinSetPointer (1.2)
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BOOL WinSetPointer(hwndDesktop, hptrNew)
HWND hwndDesktop;    /* handle of the desktop */
HPOINTER hptrNew;    /* handle of the pointer */
The WinSetPointer function changes the mouse pointer.
Parameter    Description
hwndDesktop  Identifies the desktop window. This parameter can be
             HWND_DESKTOP or the desktop window handle.
hptrNew      Identifies the new pointer. If the hptrNew parameter is NULL,
             the pointer is removed from the screen.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function is successful or FALSE if an error
If you process the WM_MOUSEMOVE message, and you don't call the
WinDefWindowProc function as part of that processing, then you should call
this function to set the mouse pointer. This function is quite fast if the
mouse pointer is not changed.
The following functions can be used to obtain a handle to a pointer that can
be used as the mouse pointer:
Function            Description
WinCreatePointer    Creates a pointer from a bitmap.
WinQueryPointer     Retrieves a handle for the desktop pointer.
WinLoadPointer      Loads a pointer from a resource file or dynamic-link
WinQuerySysPointer  Retrieves a handle for one of the system pointers.
This example calls WinLoadPointer to load an application-defined pointer.
When processing the WM_MOUSEMOVE message, the loaded pointer is displayed by
calling WinSetPointer.
    hptrCrossHair = WinLoadPointer(HWND_DESKTOP,
        (HMODULE) NULL,    /* load from .exe file    */
        IDP_CROSSHAIR);    /* identifies the pointer */
    WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, hptrCrossHair);
See Also
WinCreatePointer, WinDefWindowProc, WinLoadPointer, WinQueryPointer,
WinQuerySysPointer, WM_MOUSEMOVE