win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinSetWindowPos (1.2)
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BOOL WinSetWindowPos(hwnd, hwndInsertBehind, x, y, cx, cy, fs)
HWND hwnd;                /* handle of window being set */
HWND hwndInsertBehind;    /* placement-order handle     */
SHORT x;                  /* horizontal position        */
SHORT y;                  /* vertical position          */
SHORT cx;                 /* width                      */
SHORT cy;                 /* height                     */
USHORT fs;                /* window-positioning flags   */
The WinSetWindowPos function sets the position of a window.
Parameter         Description
hwnd              Identifies the window being set.
hwndInsertBehind  Identifies relative window-placement order. This parameter
                  is ignored if the fs parameter is not set to SWP_ZORDER.
                  If this parameter is HWND_BOTTOM, the hwnd window is
                  placed behind all sibling windows. If it is HWND_TOP, the
                  hwnd window is placed on top of all sibling windows. Other
                  values identify the sibling window behind which the hwnd
                  window is placed.
x                 Specifies the horizontal position of the hwnd window (in
                  window coordinates relative to the lower-left corner of
                  its parent window). This parameter is ignored if the fs
                  parameter is not set to SWP_MOVE.
y                 Specifies the vertical position of the hwnd window (in
                  window coordinates relative to the lower-left corner of
                  its parent window). This parameter is ignored if the fs
                  parameter is not set to SWP_MOVE.
cx                Specifies the horizontal window size (in device units).
                  This parameter is ignored if the fs parameter is not set
                  to SWP_SIZE.
cy                Specifies the vertical window size (in device units). This
                  parameter is ignored if the fs parameter is not set to
fs                Identifies the window-positioning options. This parameter
                  can be one or more of the following values:
                  Value                Meaning
                  SWP_ACTIVATE         The window is activated and the focus
                                       to be set to the window that lost the
                                       focus the last time the frame window
                                       was deactivated. The activated window
                                       may not become the top window if it
                                       owns other frame windows.
                  SWP_DEACTIVATE       Deactivates the window, if it is the
                                       active window.
                  SWP_EXTSTATECHANGE   This flag is for application use. It
                                       is used to pass an additional flag to
                                       the portion of code that is handling
                  SWP_FOCUSACTIVATE    Specifies that a frame window is
                                       receiving the focus. This flag is set
                                       so that an application that is
                                       processing the WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS
                                       message can tell if the message was
                                       sent as the result of a focus
                  SWP_FOCUSDEACTIVATE  Specifies that a frame window is
                                       losing the focus.
                  SWP_HIDE             Specifies that the window is to be
                                       hidden when created.
                  SWP_MAXIMIZE         With SWP_MINIMIZE, causes a window to
                                       be minimized, maximized, or restored.
                                       SWP_MAXIMIZE and SWP_MINIMIZE are
                                       mutually exclusive. If either
                                       SWP_MINIMIZE or SWP_MAXIMIZE is
                                       specified, then both SWP_MOVE and
                                       SWP_SIZE must also be specified.
                                       WinSetWindowPos and
                                       WinSetMultWindowPos depend on the
                                       previous state of the window; these
                                       flags cause the appropriate state to
                                       be toggled, as follows: the x, y, cx,
                                       and cy parameters specify the size
                                       and position to which the window will
                                       be restored if it is subsequently
                                       restored. This should be the normal
                                       size of the window.
                  SWP_MINIMIZE         See SWP_MAXIMIZE.
                  SWP_MOVE             Changes the window's x,y position.
                  SWP_NOADJUST         Does not send a WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS
                                       message to the window while
                                       processing (the window cannot
                                       readjust itself).
                  SWP_NOREDRAW         Does not redraw changes.
                  SWP_RESTORE          Restores a minimized or maximized
                  SWP_SHOW             Specifies that the window is to be
                                       shown when created.
                  SWP_SIZE             Changes the window size.
                  SWP_ZORDER           Changes the relative window
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function is successful or FALSE if an error
If a window created with the CS_SAVEBITS style is moved, reduced in size, or
hidden, the saved screen image is used to redraw the area uncovered when the
window size changes, if those bits are still valid.
If the CS_SIZEREDRAW style is present, the entire window area is assumed
invalid if sized. Otherwise, a WM_CALCVALIDRECTS message is sent to the
window to inform the window manager which bits it is possible to preserve.
Messages sent from WinSetWindowPos and WinSetMultWindowPos have specific
orders within the window positioning process. The process begins with
redundancy checks and precalculations on every window for each requested
operation. For example, if SWP_SHOW is present but the window is already
visible, then SWP_SHOW is turned off. If SWP_SIZE is present and the new
size is equal to the previous size, SWP_SIZE is turned off. If the
operations will create new results, the information is calculated and
stored. For example, if being sized or moved, the new window rectangle is
stored for later use. At this point, the WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS message is sent
to any window that is being sized or moved. Also at this point, the
WM_CALCVALIDRECTS message is sent to any window that is being sized and that
does not have the CS_SIZEREDRAW window style.
When the new window state is calculated, the window-management process
begins. Window areas that can be preserved are moved from the old to the new
positions, window areas that are invalidated by these operations are
calculated and distributed as update regions, and so forth. When this is
finished, and before any synchronous-paint windows are repainted, the
WM_SIZE message is sent to any windows that have changed size. Next, all the
synchronous-paint windows that can be repainted are repainted and the entire
process is complete.
If a synchronous-paint parent window has a size-sensitive area displayed
that includes synchronous-paint child windows, the parent window will
reposition those windows when it receives the WM_SIZE message. Their invalid
regions will be added to the parent window's invalid region, resulting in
one update after the parent window's WM_SIZE message, rather than many
independent and subsequently duplicated updates.
Certain windows are not positioned precisely to the parameters specified by
this function. For example, frame windows without the FCF_NOBYTEALIGN style
creation flag are not positioned to any specific screen coordinate.
The following messages are sent by this function:
Value               Meaning
WM_CALCVALIDRECTS   Sent to determine the area of a window that it may be
                    possible to preserve as the window is sized.
WM_SIZE             Sent if the size of the window has changed, after the
                    change has been effected.
WM_MOVE             Sent when a window with CS_MOVENOTIFY class style moves
                    its absolute position.
WM_ACTIVATE         Sent if a different window becomes the active window.
                    For more information, see the WinSetActiveWindow
WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS  Sent if SWP_NOADJUST is not specified. The message's
                    mp1 parameter points to an SWP structure that has been
                    filled in by the WinSetWindowPos function with the
                    proposed move/size data. The window can adjust this new
                    position by changing the contents of the SWP structure.
This example gets the dimensions of the desktop window, and calls
WinSetWindowPos to place the application's frame window in the upper left
corner. By positioning the window relative to the desktop window, the window
position is device-independent; it will work on any display adapter no
matter what the vertical and horizontal resolution is.
RECTL rcl;
WinQueryWindowRect(HWND_DESKTOP, &rcl);
WinSetWindowPos(hwndFrame, HWND_TOP,
    rcl.xLeft,                                      /* x pos  */
    rcl.yTop - 60,                                  /* y pos  */
    140,                                            /* x size */
    60,                                             /* y size */
    SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE | SWP_SHOW); /* flags  */
See Also
WinSetActiveWindow, WinSetMultWindowPos, WM_ACTIVATE, WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS,